Monday, March 15, 2010

5 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!

My wedding is FAST approaching. We are finalizing last minute details and I'm definitly stressed, but I'm excited and happy. My mom flies in tonight and she'll get started on my cake. I pick up Erin tomorrow night. It's the down hill slope now!!!
I've been working on cleaning our house and getting it all ready for us and for guests. That's been hard since we're combining so much stuff. We got Josiah's drum set mostly set up (I say mostly, because there's no room for his cymbals, but that's ok.
Josiah has been FANTASTIC throughout this whole process. He has done all kinds of things that have made my life easier. I gave him a list of things to do today since he doesn't have school this week and he's just happy to do them. I couldn't have found a better man.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I just can't wait!!!!!!!!!! I'm 8 days out and super duper excited. My mom arrives on Monday, Erin Gentry arrives on Tuesday, Uncle Thomas arrives on Wednesday, Mandy, Aunt Lorie, and Aunt Judy arrive on Thursday and it just keeps going!!! I love all these people and all the rest of you that are coming!
Josiah and I have planned a good date night tonight so that we can see each other before the chaos of the coming week. Now we need to spend time cleaning up before guests arrive. It's going to be fun.
Josiah was so sweet. He knows my mom loves Diet Mtn. Dew and he went and bought her some today so she would be all stocked up.


Monday, March 8, 2010

12 Days and counting

Things seem to be coming together. i did my brial photos and they turned out great. Now I'm just cleaning my house now that Josiah has moved in most of his stuff. That way it's clean for all my guests next week. I'm amazed as to how everything is coming together.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bridal Photos

Yesterday I got have my bridal photos taken. We (Cindy, Grandma, and I) went to the downtown library and took some, then headed over the the state capitol and took some inside and outside. It was a lot of fun. Everyone who walked by was saying "congratulations" or "your dress is beautiful". All wonderful complements. My FAVORITE complement was a little girl probably just shy of 3 years old said "It's a princess."
We did all kinds of different shots and I look foward to looking at them later this week. I would post them, but then my fiance could possible see them, so they'll have to wait until after the wedding.
It was good to wear the dress for an extended period of time because I figured out a few things that will hopefully help at the wedding. First of all, I'm not allowed to sit. Sitting is not comfortable in this dress. Really, I should say that I don't want to sit for very long. I also found out that my hair, despite super duper hair spray, likes to fall after about 2 hrs. So one of the last things I'll have done is my hair.
It had a ton of fun!